Welcome to The Silencer Mount - Health and Fitness Blog

Welcome to The Silencer Blog! We will share our health and fitness experience with an MMA twist and hopefully provide some benefits as you achieve your wellness goals.
You will find information here about heavy bag training, equipment mounting, exercises, technique, diet, and more! We just have to get around to writing it.
Now everyone out there will tell you that the new, fit you are going to require hard work and determination, a sensible diet, and a consistent schedule, which is all true, but we want to provide you with a variety of information that you can use as you build your health regiment, one that works for you.
What's More?
Now with a hectic schedule, trying to balance work and family, let alone fitting health into the mix, it becomes difficult to keep up, and we often neglect our health in our pursuit of a career and the demands of our families.
Today's blog is about recognizing that there is time to take care of ourselves. As a father and husband, you can take it from me. Balancing responsibility and commitment with my health is just one more thing you don't want to worry about. I'm going to tell you that you should worry about it, because without our health, what's a job, and without our health, what happens to the family? Balancing your wellness is a key part of work-life balance and an important way that we can motivate ourselves to stay healthy, mentally and physically.
Where do we start?
1) If you don't have a consistent schedule, get one.
A consistent schedule will allow you to identify opportunities where you can focus on yourself and physical fitness, if only for 10 minutes. Every little bit helps.
2) Figure out what you can and like to do.
Research what sort of calorie burn you can achieve if your goal is to lose weight. Realistically balance this with your goal. You can always take it up a notch and add exercises or activities. You have to start somewhere, so why not start with something fun that you can enjoy?
3) Set goals, but be realistic.
Do some research, and understand your limitations and the limitations of the human body.
4) You can't change what you don't measure.
Your clothing will soon tell you how well you're doing by how loose they fit, don't be discouraged by the scale initially, but it is still an important tool in measuring progress and acknowledging setbacks.
5) Create a routine that you not only enjoy but is simple enough to stick to.
You can build on it later. Think in muscle groups, don't just target problem areas. Try for a uniform body workout, and push yourself every time. Some people focus on the upper body one day and the lower the next, which is perfectly fine. It's the balanced approach that matters.
The Takeaway
If you're new to this fitness stuff and have a long way to go, start with a simple routine, and build some muscle as you build on your routine. A simple routine of squats, crunches, and pushups, while not an ideal workout, can help those of us who have had less success in the past get to a point where we can consider more intense activity, like interval training, or a personal favorite, suspension training.
I hope my first ramblings provided some motivational benefit to my readers and future readers.